Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 2

Saving Private Ryan was released on 17th Sept 1998 (Singapore). I know many people had watched it on dvds and in the internet. I kept telling myself to watch it but I was too busy. Until last week, I eventually got the sudden urge to catch this film. And honestly, I loved it.

To summarise everything in a short paragraph about this film:

Captain Miller leads his squad on a search for Private James Francis Ryan, son of Mrs. Ryan, who has just lost 3 sons as they were killed in action. However, private Ryan does not want to return home. Instead, he chose to defend the bridge with his squad. Captain Miller decided to help them too as he believes that it earns the right for him to go back home.

I really liked the first 20 minutes of the film. I really felt that I was really on the beach, among the brave soldiers in Normandy, fighting and dieing. With all the bullets being shot at them right when the doors of the boat were opened, and 1 shot I wouldn't forget is that when a soldier tried to find his right arm on the beach (his right arm was not attached to his body, probably because of a grenade). And so when the soldiers asked their captain "what's the rallying point, sir?.... Anywhere but here!" And not forgetting, the medics who are trying really hard to treat the wounded while trying not to get hit (They use corpses as shields to protect themselves and the wounded).

The character I liked most is Private Daniel Jackson. He is the only sniper in captain Miller's squad. The reason why I liked this character was not because of his oh so cool '1 hit KO' killer (snipers are trained to do so dammit...) but because of what he says while aiming and shooting.
Private Jackson: [lining shots] Bleesed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to the war, and my fingers to fight. [fires rifle twice]
Private Jackson: My goodness and my fortress... my high tower and my Deliverer. [fires rifle]
Private Jackson: My shield, and he in whom I trust
Private Jackson: [fires rifle, then to his rifle]
Private Jackson: Here you go baby. [fires rifle few more times. Notices a tank has spotted them]
Private Jackson: Parker get down! [the tank fires at the bell tower killing both Parker and Jackson]
And this really cracked me up. This is when Private Jackson tries to change Captain Miller's mind.
Private Jackson: Sir... I have an opinion on this matter.
Captain Miller: Well, by all means, share it with the squad.
Private Jackson: Well, from my way of thinking, sir, this entire mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources.
Captain Miller: Yeah. Go on.
Private Jackson: Well, it seems to me, sir, that God gave me a special gift, made me a fine instrument of warfare.
Captain Miller: Reiben, pay attention. Now, this is the way to gripe. Continue, Jackson.
Private Jackson: Well, what I mean by that, sir, is... if you was to put me and this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir... pack your bags, fellas, war's over. Amen.

One scene which I don't really like is the knife fight scene. Like I said, this film really makes the audience believe that he/she is really in the scene; and to really feel a knife being forced into your heart... oh man.

I really feel that everyone who hasn't watched this film to go watch it now. It's really a good movie. In this movie, the audience can really feel how it is like being seasick in the boats, being shot at, knived at and many more. According to, it's rated as #57 in its top 250 films, won 5 Oscars and many other awards.

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